Clue: This is the Zodiac speaking

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Rubislaw32: of Trump & his physician, regarding an injury which suggested bullet entry to Trump's ear. Only recently, David Cameron was sent to inform Trump of Comey's Boston/Scottish Zodiac antics in 2015. Wray knows his Director days are over soon, anyway. Jul 26, 2024 14:44:06 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: Is FBI's Chris ''Hoodwinker'' Wray simply being ''bitchy'' to Donald Trump ? Director Wray has already concluded that the bullet only ''grazed'' Trump's ear, had it not been Wray's favoured scenario of shrapnel caused by the bullet. This contradicts the... Jul 26, 2024 14:33:47 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: Yes - Zodiac stated both ''SCI SAN'' (Science Saint) & ''CID SON'' (Master's Servant). St Hubert - patron saint of Metallurgy & Optics. Cid - a reference to J Edgar Hoover, whose in-pocket assassin was Claude ''Chuchessa'' Hubert - slayer of Bunchy Carter. Jul 26, 2024 3:49:29 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: ''I AM J EDGAR'S KID'' ? Not so far away from the reality of the Zodiac's claim, with his concealed messaging configured as ''The Bident of Hades'', buried within the REAL solution to the Zodiac's Z340 cipher (Are you paying attention, TV Dave Oranchak ?). Jul 26, 2024 3:40:21 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: The plot thickens ? Donald Trump's physician claims he dealt with a hole in Trump's ear 2cm across. Current inference: that a bullet is known to have struck one of Trumps's glass teleprompters, and Trump's right ear was nicked by a shard of flying glass. Jul 26, 2024 1:26:26 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: FBI DIRECTOR IN TRUMP BULLET DENIAL SHOCKER ! Today, FIB boss Chris ''Hoodwinker'' Wray cast doubts on Donald Trump being shot in the ear: ''After examination of the 8 bullets, Trump could have been hit by shrapnel.''. Next ? Z13 is ''I AM J EDGAR'S KID''. Jul 25, 2024 17:32:34 GMT -8 *
Rub--law32: Zodiac's Parallel Universe plea deal: CA DOJ: ''Z's owned up for Joan Webster.''. MA DOJ: ''He's lying.''. CA DOJ: ''Z's owned up for Emma Caldwell.''. Scottish Crown: ''Can't be.''. CA DOJ: ''The 340-Soda Siphons are fantasy.''. TV Dave: ''Where's Dan ?'' Jul 25, 2024 7:35:06 GMT -8
Rubislaw32: ..enough with aspects of the Zodiac case, and might find themselves wanting in the future. In contrast, the FBI have brazenly teased CA DOJ, warning Zodiac not to consider renouncing a silence agreement nor give himself up for CA DOJ's benefit. Precarious. Jul 25, 2024 2:45:09 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: I have found that over the last 10 years, a means of communication between warring LE agencies or simply over topics not ordinarily up for open discussion is, through the use of calendar dates. Police Scotland have warned Scottish Crown, they didn't do... Jul 25, 2024 2:32:01 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: ''Below the belt'' ? Another arguable point, since I put it to FBI that Donna was an accident in their custody. The crux recently has to do with the claim of her skull's location. Implied I would suggest, that FBI kept it themselves, until September 2020. Jul 25, 2024 1:35:41 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: Just at a time (Nov 1970) when the public were becoming used to the idea there might be signs of Zodiac activity in Southern California, the FBI craftily shifted the focus away to the Nevada State border in March 1971. Trouble is, Donna was their skeleton. Jul 25, 2024 0:19:00 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: If indeed, ever again. It's one thing to be exposed for attempting to shore-up on case mistakes of the past. But, if the FBI are also exposed for the demise of Donna Lass, as well as her concealment, then who knows how Congress & citizens might view FBI ? Jul 24, 2024 23:42:58 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: And, I would suggest to the FBI that Donna Lass Events is where they have finally received a ''blow below the belt'', which was a long time coming. Humiliated by inferences, eh, FBI ? Not exactly flavour of the month with local PD's for the next 10 years. Jul 24, 2024 23:31:45 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: aware of a major fall-out between the FBI and CA DOJ, in the wake of Comey's Boston/Scottish illegal antics, which have yet to publicly come to light. CA DOJ were ''old school'' in adhering to not airing their dirty laundry in public. That's changing now. Jul 24, 2024 23:20:44 GMT -8 *
Rub--law32: For the FBI, there will remain ''problems'' to contemplate with the Zodiac case, particularly while the Zodiac remains alive. Many interested parties still don't realize the FBI are playing a ''pretend game'' of continued involvement in the case, not... Jul 24, 2024 23:15:38 GMT -8
Rub--law32: The saying is the military will always want you if you possess a talent they are looking for. Zodiac had some firearms skills, but poor eyesight and was pigeon-toed. The military wasn't for him, anyway - he might get killed. Strong as an ox, but no jock. Jul 24, 2024 18:01:20 GMT -8
Rubislaw32: ''Ordinary Joe'' ? An arguable point, in light of his success in what he set out to achieve. An already well-practised extortionist who encompassed murder in order to make his point. An already well-travelled young man; well-read and well-versed in cars. Jul 24, 2024 17:30:40 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: Many fail to see or choose to forget that, beyond 5 murders, the Zodiac subjected 5 million people to a terror campaign for 2 years. And this was likely the motivation of an Ordinary Joe who held a grudge against his father - who didn't even know him ! Jul 24, 2024 16:55:42 GMT -8
Rubislaw32: ...with damaging consequences is not addressed, and lessons learned. As an example in modern times, The Heysel Stadium Disaster in May 1985 was not properly dealt with, and brought down the Belgium Government. The Zodiac case remains a ticking time bomb. Jul 24, 2024 15:03:00 GMT -8 *
Rubislaw32: If the Jack the Ripper case is anything to go by, the Zodiac Killer case will still be discussed in 80 years time - particularly if it isn't judicially processed. Faith in the justice system can be permanently eroded, if the importance of social events.... Jul 24, 2024 14:56:34 GMT -8
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